Crenarcaea and Crenarceaota

Crenarchaea is one of the two kingdoms of Domain Archaea. It is the smaller one, and contains a single phylum, Crenarchaeota. Organisms in this Kingdom and in phylum Crenarchaeota are hyperthermophilic and tend to live in areas of high sulfur and places of extreme temperatures, often nearing the boiling point of water, but have been found to live in arctic temperatures as well. This kingdom contains unicellular organisms. The organisms are both heterotrophic and autotrophic. Examples of Crenarchaea are Staphylothermus marinusand Nitrosopumilus maritimus. Digestion is extracellular and not gastrovascular because they use enzymes to break down their food. Reproduction is asexual.
This is an example of an archaea in this kingdom and phylum: Nitrosopumilus maritimus.