Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Plantae is one of the original two Kingdoms of classification and is a kingdom of Domain Eukarya. There are 6 phyla in this kingdom: Brophyta, Pterophyta, Cycadophyta, Gingophyta, Coniferophyta, and Anthophyta. Organisms of Kingdom Plantae are autotrophic, contain chlorophyll a and b photosynthetic pigments, and multicellular. Digestion is intracellular. The gas exchange happens at the stomata (on the leaves and stems) of plants. All living cells are close to the surface and dead cells are used for support of the plant. This allows for adequate gas exchange. The cells of Kingdom Plantae have cell walls, which are made of cellulose. Organisms of Kingdom Plantae have a system similar to nervous systems and a system similar to circulatory systems. However, further research is being done to research these nervous systems of plants in a new field called plant neurobiology. The circulatory systems of plants do not exist in all plants, making these plants nonvascular, but exist in others, making them vascular. The organisms of Kingdom Plantae reproduce sexually typically, but some plants can reproduce asexually. Two examples of organisms of Kingdom Plantae are Citrus aurantifolia and Hylocereus undatus
Hylocereus undatus